Leading to the Age of Free Energy
Helping Lead Rapid Decarbonization for All Campuses and Building Clusters
Understanding Clean Energy Economics
Current Energy Economics
In today’s world, we “pay” for energy directly and in every single other thing we purchase, with most of that $$ going to a few oil barons and petrol states because fossil fuel is at the root of most energy used today.
Economics After Decarbonization
Solar/PV, Wind, Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHP), Electric and Thermal Batteries, and Industry Heat Pumps will Eliminate 80% of our GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions “Effectively Free”. It will be a New Age of Free Energy when we get All Our Energy from the Sun, and the Loss of Wealth locally will end. The PV/Wind “Equipment” capturing Energy-from-the-Sun breaks fast, maybe immediately with current “IRA” tax credits, and then produces Free Energy for decades!

How to Decarbonize Your Campus or Building Cluster
A whopping 36% of all emissions in the U.S. are from Buildings, and we have 100% of the equipment and techniques today to completely cost-effectively eliminate all those emissions by 2040 Effectively Free.
Are ready to make that effort to Decarbonize Effective Free but your engineers don’t know how or say it is too expensive? This is the root problem with Rapid Decarbonization — today’s engineers almost completely have not yet learned the modern Buildings Decarbonization techniques already proven cost effective by GHP specialists.
Net Zero Foundation was started by a team of Buildings Decarbonization experts to help break the “Uninformed Engineer” barrier to Rapid Buildings Decarbonization. We are experts and we work with all the leading experts in this field. With that knowledge, we are ready to provide training and leadership to those wanting to Decarbonize.
Decarbonize “Effectively Free”
You see us say “Effectively Free” — just what does that mean? This is one of the secrets that only those experts who have learned about cost-effective Buildings Decarbonization know. The secret is a combination of 3 things: knowing what equipment to use in each setting, knowing how to design the systems, and knowing the right techniques to use to be cost-effective. With that combination, these decarbonized energy systems in today’s market will either cost no more up front than any other method and then save on operational cost, or will break even within a few years and then show a profit for decades over any of those other methods. It is a product of the Geothermal Heat Pump industry and taught to those who are interested, but it also includes the specific knowledge of the 20 leading engineers in that field on how to most cost effectively implement these more advanced systems. It even includes technologies just emerging from ORNL’s Thermal Energy Storage Research Group” that will make the economics even better.
Why work with Net Zero Foundation
The know how to achieve Rapid Decarbonization is somewhat complex and requires specific expertise. Finding that expertise it very difficult. The test is if someone tells you that Decarbonization will ‘cost too much’, then you can know they are not the experts you need! That is where Net Zero Foundation comes in. We bring the Knowledge of how to achieve Rapid Decarbonization and can connect you with all the experts required for the process. And, we are completely willing to help your engineers learn this new Decarbonization Science. Let us help.
See the Geo@MIT Building Decarbonization Plan

Ready to Decarbonize?
“Effectively Free”?
Ask our team how to Decarbonize your Campus or Building Cluster using the latest, lowest-impact and most cost-effective fully-electrified solutions.
NZF Twitter Feed — The Latest Climate and Decarbonization News
We use our Twitter feed to log the important news and breakthroughs for anyone interested. To see the excellent Graphics that go with these tweets, view then on Twitter:

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Contact us: info@netzerofoundation.org